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Match Chia Granola Bowl

You don’t know how M A T C H A we love you!
This is what breakfast dreams are made off! Matcha & Chia bowl with Granola.
Two S U P E R F O O D S combined together to give you a powerhouse breakfast and fuel charged start to the day!
J A M  P A C K E D with health benefits, this bowl truly is too good for words!
The largest amount of antioxidants recorded is within this bowl sourced from the two most powerful super foods in the world! Match Powder & Chia Seeds.
Pair our Chia seeds, Milk Lab Almond Milk, Organic Culinary grade premium Matcha Powder, Hand Made Granola & Dried whole Blueberries for a never to be forgotten breakfast!

©2020 by The Organic Vegan Co.

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